We are implementing a NO REFUND policy. However, you may return purchased items within seven (7) days after the order delivery date. You will shoulder the shipping expenses. Store voucher will be issued to you once we have received and inspected the returned item/s.


To be eligible for a return, packaging of item/s must not be opened and in the same condition when you received the item/s. Item/s must also be in the original packaging and brand tags (if any) are intact.


Before returning any item, send us a Return Request at indicating the reason for returning the item/s with photos proving the condition of the item/s. Put the order number in the subject field (ex: Order #  0000 – Return Request).


Requests after seven (7) days after order delivery date will not be processed. 


If you want to exchange your item due to wrong item, you may request for an exchange for purchased items within seven (7) days after the order delivery date. You will shoulder the shipping expenses back and forth. If it was our mistake, we will shoulder all shipping expenses.

To be eligible for an exchange, packaging of item/s must not be opened and in the same condition when you received the item/s. Item/s must also be in the original packaging and brand tags (if any) are intact.

Before returning any item for exchange, send us an Exchange Request at indicating the reason for exchanging the item/s with photos proving the condition of the item/s. Put the order number in the subject field (ex: Order #  0000 – Exchange Request).

Requests after seven (7) days after order delivery date will not be processed. 

*Kindly wait for our response on your request/s before proceeding with shipment to save your time, money, and effort.